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If you become a member of the Greater Twin Cities Blues Music Society (GTCBMS) then you can participate in our Adopt a Musician Program. Here is how it works ...

1. You select a musician (you can print your choice on your membership form). Buildings, blues-related personalities, music businesses, etc. are also up for adoption.

2. You indicate a second and third choice just in case your first choice is already taken. (Lazy Bill Lucas is already taken, for example).

3. The blues music society will send to you a worksheet so you can assemble some basic information about your project (date & place of birth, the year a nightclub opened, etc.). You make arrangements to hold an interview (taped preferred) with your adopted musician or other pertinent individuals and fill out the worksheet and send it back, together with any other information you have compiled. If you want to go beyond the basics and do more research that is up to you. Sources of information should be noted.

4. The society will collect all the worksheets and use them to aid in the cataloging of our blues community and in the creation of printed materials.

5. If you participate in the Adopt a Musician Program you will be credited as a contributor to any books or pamphlets that are published as a result of your work.

The time commitment for participating in the Adopt a Musician is up to you. If you just complete the basics on the worksheet and tape an interview, it should be relatively easy to finish up your project in a couple of hours.

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page last updated: Wednesday, December 2, 2020

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